
1.Listen and und***line. (听录音两次,在听到的单词下划线。)
(1)Saturday(2) dice
(3)Math(4) s***eping
(5)Eyes(6) h***s
(7)Hot(8) watch
(9)Drawing(10) week
2.Listen and numb***. (听录音两次,给图编号。)
Model: (1) W: What do you want for your birthday, Ben?
M: I want a toy car.
(2) M: Do you like basketball?
W: Yes, I do. I play basketball ev***y day.
(3) W: Jack, are you s***eping?
M: No, mom, I’m reading.
(4) W: Is this your skateboard, Tony?
M: Yes, it is.
(5) M: Today is Sunday, what do you do on Sunday?
W: I play socc*** on Sunday.
(6) W: Wh***e is my doll?
M: Look, it’s on the sofa.
3. Listen and judge.(听录音两次,判定对错,对的写Yes,错的写No。)
Model: (1) W: Wh***e is my ru***r?
M: Look, it’s und*** the desk.
(2) W: What subject do you like?
M: I like P.E.
(3) M: Are you hungry?
W: No, I am not. I am v***y thirsty.
(4) M: Pet***, is this your watch?
W: No. It’s Tony’s.
(5) W: What is the girl doing?
M: She is shopping.
(6) M: Ben, can you touch your feet?
W: Yes, I can.
4. Listen and tick. (听录音两次,在相应的表格内打"√"。)
W: Gogo, look out!
M: Oh, I’m sorry. Whose basketball is this?
W: It’s Pet***’s basketball.
M: Is this your stuffed animal, Jenny?
W: No, it’s Lisa’s.
M: Is this your stap***r, Jenny?
W: No, the stap***r is Tony’s.
M: Whose book is this?
W: It’s my book. And this is your comput*** game. H***e you are, Gogo.
M: Thank you.